A* 是一种在平面图形上计算最优路径的方法,通常用来做 2D 游戏的最短寻路,该算法是一种 Dijkstra 算法的变体,使用启发式的策略来提高算法的搜索效率。
wikipedia ;medium ;pythonf 基本思想 基于启发式的方法,基于BFS去做最短路径搜索,借助类似Manhattan距离作为启发,每次加入后续的多个点,然后按照后续点的属性去排序,不断的加入close的区间,直到第一次遍历到终点就是最短的路径。
$$ f(n) = g(n) + h(n) $$ f代表的是经过当前点,从起点到最终点的距离,g代表的是从起点到当前节点的距离,h代表的是启发式方法到终点的距离。
首先用 bfs 的方法,找到当前节点的可达后续节点,将这些节点加入 children,确定 child 不在 close_list 中后(即在 open 中)则判断哪个是最优解,然后更新 openlist 和 closelist 。
即:每次遍历的当前节点都从 open 中总距离最小的选,然后放入 close。直到 openlist 为空。
相关类别定义 python class node(): def __init__(self, parent=None, position=None): self.parent = parent self.position = position self.g = 0 self.h = 0 self.f = 0 def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: return o.position == self.position 具体代码实现 python def asterS(map,slope,start,end): # 在astar算法的基础上,我们需要加入的是高度的约束 # 阻碍的条件是高度不同同时没有slope的存在,这种就是wall # 其余的和Astar算法应该是一样的 # init the start and end node start_node = node(None,start) end_node = node(None,end) # init the open and closed lists open_list = [] close_list = [] # add the start node to the open list open_list.append(start_node) # loop util find the end_node while len(open_list)>0: # make the best node as current_node # init 1 current_node = open_list[0] current_index = 0 for index, nod in enumerate(open_list): if nod.f<current_node.f: current_node = nod current_index = index # pop the curr node off open list, add to close list open_list.pop(current_index) close_list.append(current_node) # terminal conditions (reach the end node ) if current_node == end_node: path = [] while(current_node is not None): path.append(current_node.position) current_node = current_node.parent # return the path we find. return path[::-1] # the body of the loop: update the nodes # find the available children nodes children = [] # define the adjacent squares positions = [(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)] for pos in positions: # get childrens positions node_pos = (current_node.position[0]+pos[0], current_node.position[1]+pos[1]) # make sure within range if node_pos[0] < 0 or node_pos[0] >= map.shape[0] or node_pos[1] < 0 or node_pos[1] >= map.shape[1]: continue # mkae sure walkab mapflag = map[current_node.position[0], current_node.position[1]] != map[node_pos[0], node_pos[1]] slopeflag1 = slope[node_pos[0], node_pos[1]] == 0 or slope[current_node.position[0], current_node.position[1]] == 0 slpopeflag2 = slope[node_pos[0], node_pos[1]] != slope[current_node.position[0], current_node.position[1]] if mapflag and (slopeflag1 or slpopeflag2): continue # we need creat node first to find out if it is in the openlist or closed list new_node = node(current_node, node_pos) children.append(new_node) # loop those children # using the __eq__ to judge if it's already traveled. for child in children: if child in close_list: continue # create f,g,h for the legal child child.g = current_node.g + 1 child.h = manhattan(child.position, end_node.position) child.f = child.g + child.f # if the child is already in the open list, compare it if child in open_list: open_index = open_list.index(child) open_node = open_list[open_index] if child.g > open_node.g: continue open_list.pop(open_index) # if it is not in the open/closelist or better than that in open list, we add it. open_list.append(child)