this is the Note record the vimtutor (the basic usage of vim.) @Aiken 2021

delete command

Most of the command can use NUM to repeat it. d num command means delete num times with args below: c means del and change mode to insert:

  • w delete next num words
  • e delete cur word
  • d delete this line which is not support ‘c’
  • $ delete to the end of the line

x means delete this cur

skip words and lines

e means jump the end of the word 3e: means skip 3word distance 2w: means skip 2word the num can be decide by ourself.(in the most commands)

undo and resume

u means undo. U undo the line.

ctrl+r means resume which is contrast undo.

replace and change

r replace char with new input R become replace mode, replace word by input util we press esc

location and file status

ctrl+g will show the location in file and the file status.

  • gg: move to the head of the file.
  • G: move to the end of the file.
  • idx + G: jump 2 the line.
  • shift+6: jump 2 the head of the line.

search command

  1. typing: / <word_we_want> to search it.
  2. if we want to search same word, just type n, in another order N
  3. using ctrl+o to go back the cursor location, ctrl+i to go next
  4. using ? instand of / if we want search in the inverse order.

find the matched parentheses 找到对应的括号

typing % near the ( { [, it’ll jump to another. this is very useful in debugging a program

substitute command 替换命令

  • :idx0,idx1s/old/new/g replace old with new in the line between [idx0,idx1]

  • :%s/old/new/g replace all the old with new in whold file

  • :%s/old/new/gc find out all old and we willdecide change it or not manually.


how to execute an command like shell command?

using :![command] -[args]
  • :w [filename] can save this file in this position or save change or it.
  • :!rm [filename]
  • :v choose those text or code we want to save(not all this file, just what we selected) and :w [filename] to save it
  • :r [filename] will resume the txt of the file in this cursor.
  • :r !dir will read the command output and puts it below the cursor


  • o means will insert a line UNDER the cursor
  • O will insert ABOVE the cursor


  • y copy command.
  • yw copy a word
  • p paste(put) command
  • v visual mode, select those char we want.
  • $ jump to the end of the line


set an option so a search or subsititute ignore case

  • after type in ‘:/ignore’
  • then type in ::set ic will ignore case
  • :set is 部分显示匹配的搜索短语
  • :set hls 高亮显示所有匹配的短语
  • :set no+<command> 前置no可以关闭选项


  1. Ctrl + f/b : 往下/上翻页
  2. Ctrl + e/y : 往下/上滚动
  3. V: 列选择模式
  4. U/u: 选中的单词变成大/小写
  5. Ctrl + w: 光标窗口切换