@Aiken 2021 this file is use to record how to config out vim’ by spacevim.
I’ll write this doc with three Parts:
- Install and envs, Plugins(including the LSP), KeyShort
- Attention: we have much to do if we want to install some other plugins. maybe it not a good way to set the vim.
Install: SpaceVim via the offical websize:
The COMMAND is like:
curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/cn/install.sh | bash
After that, the spacevim will install for the vim and neovim.
Basic Configuration:
modify the spacevim configuration in the file below
And enable some layers we need: which can select from
spc + h + l
after enable those layer, DEIN will install those plugins we need use GLOBAL VPN to download plugins.something like
set: wrap
will be add in~/.SpaceVim/vimrc
(end of it)
This is the most important part for coding: lint,autocomplete,warning..
At the same time, this part is hardest to install,
because the coc.nvim which is not design for spacevim.
FIRST OF ALL: enable those langs’ layer: python(first), markdown, c++;
We can install those module according to the Docs,
then install sth like pynvim(pip), node js, yarn, neovim, make…
THEN: run :CheckHealth
after install coc to check the env status.
NEXT: try install debug, c++, c, for the future dev.
Using Python As a example to show how to install this.
Hardest Part here: CPP with Coc
Coc Offical
- Install nodejs and yarn:
# add & update apt source before install nodejs.
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get update
# install nodejs after that.
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# install yarn in shell refer to the hint
curl --compressed -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash
- Install Coc in SpaceVim by dein in init.toml:
autocomplete_method = 'coc'
name = 'lsp'
filetype = [
c = ['ccls']
cpp = ['ccls']
python = ['pyls']
repo = "neoclide/coc.nvim"
merge = 0
rev = 'release'
after install using :checkhealth
‘CocInfo’ to comfirm.
- Install some basic part(jedi):
conda install jedi
:CocInstall coc-jedi coc-python coc-snippets
:CocInstall coc-python
:CocInstall coc-clangd
coc_keyword: some basic coc command we may use often
CocInstall [PackageName]
CocUninstall [PackageName]
KEYSHORT and special USAGE
- reinstall some plugins can use:
SPReinstall coc.nvim
. - running/debug info will record in
- to_tree will show in
spc a o
after we save the modify of file
split windows to show more info and make it easily to code.
sp [filename]
to splite windows with new files. u-dvsp [filename]
to splite windows with new files. l-rspc [num]
checkout cursor in diff windowsg t
checkout from tag to tag
This part is depending the DEIN
, so we can reference this plugins.
Many useful plugins had been add in those layers, learn it from offical website.