
Typing SVG

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I am a Machine Learning Engineer work in IT industry, Graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University with a master’s degree.

In my spare time, I am doing the following projects:

  • Code A Universal Framework for (CV)Classification to my project
  • Keep Write My Blog (By Hexo
  • LTS for Dotfiles(nvim, vim, tmux, zshrc…)
  • Create Videos for How to Config Linux/Windows/Mac

Code Card Code Card

I look forward to becoming a full-stack engineer one day, and I am working hard to improve my programming skills recently.
(out of date now)At the same time, as an AI engineer, recently I paid attention to the following industry developments:

  1. AIGC
  2. Big Model
  3. Unified model

I will keep updating this readme. If you are interested, you can click a star. The resources and projects are used in this file will be update in the blog.

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